How We Work
We collaborate with local communities to achieve our goal of making a meaningful impact on people’s lives. Our foundation strives to make a positive difference in society by supporting those in need.
Form 990- PF
In compliance with I.R.S. regulations related to public disclosure by private foundations, a copy of the Foundation’s most recent annual tax return (Form 990-PF) is available online by clicking here. If you wish to see prior years’ federal tax returns (Form 990-PF), please go to
Please note to view Form 990-PF, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your system. If you don’t have the Reader, you can get it at the Adobe Reader website for free.
Alternatively, copies of the most recent returns are available upon written request. Such requests should be sent to:
Mrs. Jo-Ann Fox-Weingarten
President and Director
William Fox, Jr. Foundation
885 Park Avenue
New York, New York 1007
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